Memories from my youth

Created by Rosalind 3 years ago
I remember when I was a little girl back in the 60s and 70s that we attended the old Kingdom Hall in Windmill Road.

We Williams children often struggled to sit still and pay attention to the meetings. We especially found concentrating during the Watchtower difficult. 

I would occasionally sit with Helen and her lovely daughter Christine. 

Helen was very kind and gentle and always had a warm smile. However, I remember that if ever I misbehaved or got distracted, she would look down at me with a very firm and intense stare! That look was all that was needed to keep me in check!

I also have many fond memories of Christine. We were very good friends until her tragic death when she was about 16. It took me a long time to get over it.

She had leukaemia and her father, Nick, would force her to have blood transfusions. So when Christine turned 16 she was of legal age to refuse the treatment. She sadly died, but her faithful and resolute stand for what she believed in, left a deep and heartfelt impression on her father. As a result, he became a much beloved brother. He always said that he wanted to be in paradise to welcome back his daughter.

In all that time, Helen was always a fine example of a faithful, loyal an supportive wife and mother. I always admired her for that. 

I cannot wait to welcome Helen, Nick and Christine back in the near future.